Does Oral Minoxidil Work? Treating Hair loss with Low-dose Minoxidil

02 June 2024

By Pilldoctor

Minoxidil is a popular hair treatment among men and women alike. Since topical Minoxidil is best known for its safety and efficacy, this is the most recommended form of Minoxidil therapy. Minoxidil may also be used orally as a pill in some cases.

When Is Minoxidil Used Orally to Treat Hair Loss?

Oral Minoxidil may be used to treat hair loss if: 
- Minoxidil topical formulations induce a rash, irritation, or allergy.
- After six months of rigorous usage, there is no benefit from topical Minoxidil.
- Topical Minoxidil results in poor hair texture - Minoxidil may occasionally create dry, knotted hair prone to breaking. 
There are additional issues with taking topical Minoxidil, which produces compliance issues.

Hair Loss Problems That May Benefit from Minoxidil

Minoxidil is primarily used to treat male and female pattern hair loss. This hair loss therapy may also benefit conditions such as telogen effluvium, traction alopecia, and loose anagen syndrome.

Why Would Oral Minoxidil Work if Topical Minoxidil Did not Work?

Some individuals may not react to topical Minoxidil because their bodies lack the necessary enzyme (sulfotransferase) in hair follicles to produce Minoxidil Sulphate from Minoxidil. Sulfotransferase is present in your liver tissues and is primarily responsible for activating oral medications.

How Effective Minoxidil Taken Orally?

The trials are limited, but the majority of them indicate that one-third of patients experience reduced hair shedding, and one-third witness increased hair growth in 6 months or more. Hence, the data suggest that two in every three people benefit from oral Minoxidil therapy. To allow for optimal results, it is recommended to continue medication for 6 to 12 months. 

In the only research comparing topical Minoxidil to oral Minoxidil in women with Female Pattern Hair Loss, 1mg of Minoxidil had equivalent effects to 5% solution (1ml) once a day. In this research, 26 women were given oral Minoxidil, and another 26 were given topical Minoxidil. After 24 weeks of therapy, women using oral Minoxidil had a 12% increase in hair density, whereas women using topical Minoxidil had a 7.2% increase. Although the difference was not statistically significant, the oral minoxidil group lost less hair.

Oral Minoxidil Dosage

Minoxidil pills are available in 2.5mg, 5mg, and 10mg strengths. The Loniten brand is what we use (Pfizer Ltd). A typical beginning dosage for women is 0.625mg per day and 1.25mg per day for males. To achieve this dosage, buy a tablet cutter from your pharmacist and cut a 2.5mg tablet into quarters or half. 

The optimal dosage for hair loss is unknown. It might range from 0.625mg to 2.5 mg each day. A slightly higher dose may be necessary for males on some occasions. You may be required to take the medication daily or every other day. Low doses of Minoxidil are ideal for treating hair loss. This is because the amount used for hair loss is far lower than the levels used for illnesses such as hypertension—doses for hypertension range from 10 to 40mg per day.

Changes In Lifestyle While Taking Minoxidil Orally

It is important to minimize alcohol consumption since alcohol may lead to low blood pressure. Caffeine can help enhance Minoxidil treatment results as it improves blood flow and ensures improved blood supply to target areas. Check out minoxidil tablets at PillDoctor. For more hair loss products, visit our site.

Dr Paul Yesudian Explains the use of Oral Minoxidil for hair loss below.